
New Edge Sword & Sorcery 2024

Created by Brackenbury Books

Sword & Sorcery magazine featuring short fiction, non-fiction, and gorgeous art. Made with love for the classics, and an inclusive, boundary-pushing approach to storytelling! Luxurious hardcover, classic softcover, and accessible digital formats.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

7 months ago – Thu, Mar 07, 2024 at 11:05:22 AM

Dungeon Synth is an exhilarating musical subgenre that has a great deal of artistic crossover with our beloved Sword & Sorcery, so we thought it might be fun to have a Dungeon Synth night as one of our livestreams!

It starts at 7pm EST, featuring "S" from Dungeon Synth Magazine, Fenwalker, and Erang! There will be a presentation on Dungeon Synth so even if you've near heard of it, you'll be fine, as well as short interviews with the musicians, and music video screenings.

Some free download codes have even been donated to be shared in the chat over the course of the event!

We've unlocked one author pay raise, one artist pay raise, and are very close to our next author pay raise!

Please keep sharing the campaign and, if you haven't already, consider pledging - all our stretch goals are contributor pay raises from here to eternity...

There's a lot of moving parts to this campaign, so you may appreciate being reminded....

  • We have Rainbow Metal Battle-Axe pins available in the Add-Ons section. Stickers and discounted pairings of issues #1&2 are also available there.

  • We're about 3/4 of the way there to unlocking two bonus stories, one by sharing the campaign on Facebook, the other on Twitter, both through the respective buttons on their posts (both attached at the bottom of this announcement).

Live outside the U.S.? Your shipping just got cheaper!
7 months ago – Thu, Feb 22, 2024 at 03:34:58 PM

Formerly our estimate for shipping issues 3&4 of the magazine looked like this:

But JUST NOW we reached our second stretch goal annnnnd....

Huzzah! That's right, five bucks off for Canadians, ten bucks off for people living literally anywhere in the world that isn't the U.S. or Canada.

If you're an international digital backer who was on the fence about grabbing physical issues, you may wish to consider switching to softcover or luxurious hardcovers!

Next goal? Paying our authors more! After that? Paying our artists more! LET'S DO IT!

Double-Art achieved! Next Up: International Shipping Discount! (Plus secret info, for backers only...)
7 months ago – Wed, Feb 21, 2024 at 09:19:44 AM

Recently we crossed this very important threshold which means all stories and articles, other than book reviews & interviews, will have twice as much interior art as planned!

Meanwhile we're already about half of the way to everybody outside the United States getting a discount on shipping!

And, if you missed our previous announcement, you may wish to know:

Thanks so much for your support, and for sharing the campaign! Speaking of which, we're more than halfway to unlocking two separate bonus stories by sharing one on Facebook and the other on Twitter.

RAINBOW METAL, TATTOOS AND FACES - New Add-On, Free Reward, and Pledge Tier Unlocked!
7 months ago – Mon, Feb 19, 2024 at 06:10:34 PM

Two exciting new items have just been unlocked!

Meanwhile, there's a new opportunity to get your face in the magazine...

...and oh wow are we ever close to getting DOUBLE ART!

Funded in Under 72 hours, Secret Reward Unlocked, and More!
7 months ago – Sat, Feb 17, 2024 at 09:16:10 PM


  • We've funded in under 72 hours! You all have blown our tiny minds with the speed of this.

  • Secret Reward Unlocked: As a thank-you for getting us to this so fast, all physical reward backers will be receiving a fun, rub-on tattoo of the NESS logo in black!

  • Next Goal: Now we're working toward our first stretch goal (aka Achievment), DOUBLE ART. As I'm writing this we're 89% of the way there.

  • Unlock More Stories: Please check out either of the achievements attached to this update regarding sharing the campaign on Facebook or Twitter. When enough backers share the campaign through their buttons, bonus short stories will be added as digital rewards for everybody!


Wow! I, your humble editor, was thinking it'd be nice to hit 50% in the first 24 hours like we did in 2023. You always hope for more, but I didn't expect to fund in less than 72 hours.

This is very exciting, as it gives us plenty of time to push through more stretch goals like DOUBLE ART, and INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING DISCOUNT, as well as pay raises for our contributors!

There's also some secret stuff that will be unlocked along the way...

...secret stuff like the no-longer-secret RUB-ON NESS LOGO TATOOS!

Some of you may recall that in the run-up to launch we tried for a very ambitious campaign follower number by the end of the first week after announcing the campaign, and I promised that if we made that number I'd add a stretch goal where I'd get a real tattoo of the logo. 

We came so close to that follower total, that I decided to still provide a reward as thanks for everybody helping spread word of our campaign, and this is it! If you back us at a physical reward tier of any kind, you'll get one of these fun rub-on tattoos with the rest of your order.


Scroll down our campaign page far enough and you'll see the following:

    Not a joke! Nathaniel Webb, our layout & design person, has vowed that he will get a tattoo with the NESS battle-axe logo if we hit 666 backers.

    This won't be paid for from campaign funds, and the tattooing will be documented for a backer-exclusive update.

Yup! NOT A JOKE. Nat suggested this and we took him up on it. As I write this we're more than halfway there, with 382 backers. So please tell your friends and enemies, your SFF book club, your TTRPG group, your impressively literate cat...tell everybody about a crowdfunding campaign where the staff literally put their flesh on the line!

A way to do that and unlock even more rewards is to share the campaign on Facebook and Twitter using the buttons found in the two achievements attached to this update. With enough shares, these bonus stories be provided to all backers in digital formats!

Something else cool you all did? You got us on the main page of Backerkit!
The way campaigns get featured on Backerkit's main page is through strong activity on the Community Tab, like where many backers have been sharing their answers to the question "What do you want to see more of in Sword & Sorcery?" Please feel free to ask questions, make suggestions, or just say hello over on the Community tab, knowing that simply by chatting with your fellow backers you're also helping get us in front of fresh eyeballs!

Why, there's even a UNIQUE REWARD for whomever is the most active member of our campaign's community!

Scroll down far enough on our campaign page and you'll see:

  • The Top Backer, meaning the backer who is most active in our Community tab, will receive softcovers of 3&4 that have each been annotated (using post-its, not writing on the page unless you give him permission) by editor & publisher Oliver Brackenbury, providing special insight into the process of producing the issues.

Not too shabby!

Alright folks, that feels like plenty for now. Thanks so much again for backing us! There's plenty more livestreams, achievements, unlockable rewards, and good times to come.
